Class Registration

What Classes are Currently Available?

Currently at TT Dogs Unleashed, we're offering the following class:

Puppy Jumpstart - 6 weeks
Saturdays - Starting August 10th at 9am

Juvenile / Young Adult Class - 6 weeks
Saturdays - Starting August 10th at 10am

The above classes are $225 + HST

Challenging Dog Program - 6 weeks
Saturdays - Starting August 10th at 11am

Leash Walking 101 - 4 weeks

Sunday Fun Day - 4 weeks

The above classes are $250 + HST

Ecollar Progam
$895 if you do not already have a collar
$595 if you already have a collar

How Do I Register?

Please fill out the form below, then head to the class page to purchase your class, in order to reserve your spot.

We require a completed form & class payment before starting.

If you are not automatically redirected after filling out the form below, please click here to make payment.

If you run into any difficulties, or have any questions, please email us at or call at 613-258-0072

Class Registration Form